Suddenly, it has become fashionable for people to talk about their "bucket list" – meaning things to do before they die. Usually, the items on the list are exotic – like a world cruise, or flying to Monte-Carlo First Class. The expense is irrelevant because it's just a one-time deal.

That seems a bit morbid for us at MoneyBuildr so we thought we'd put together a list of awesome things that you can do anytime – and they're free.
The undeniable fact is that most people take life for granted, and only start worrying about what they missed out on when faced with their own mortality.
Which is a pity, because there are so many awesome things in life that bring simple pleasure, and can be enjoyed at any time.
This is the list of our top 15:
Look at old photo albums
This is a great nostalgic activity which is best not saved until your last days.
Give yourself a massage
Maybe you need to be a bit of a contortionist to get to some parts but the end result is worth it.
Walk in the rain
And if you feel like Gene Kelly, you can do some singing too.
Walking barefoot on grass or sand
Just take off your shoes, walk around, and enjoy the sense of freedom.
Wandering around in a city
Try wandering around a city with no specific purpose. Your curiosity can lead you to new and exciting places.
Soak in the bathtub -- and go to bed in clean sheets
There are few pleasures in life equal to slipping into bed with crisp clean sheets. Possibly preferably with a partner, but we're looking at solo pleasures for now.
Talk to a stranger
Start the conversation by giving a compliment, or ask questions about their work or what they are doing.You'll be pleasantly surprised with the outcome – usually!
Visit an art museum
Art opens your mind to a whole different world. Many museums have a free day a month.
Sleep under the stars
Better if you live in a warm climate – but if it's cold, a good sleeping bag will solve the problem. It's amazing to watch the stars before you fall asleep.
Record a message to your future self
You can use the recording facility on your phone or computer. Record a message to listen to on a special occasion, such as your birthday.
Picnic in the park
Doesn't matter if it's lunch, dinner, or even breakfast, they're all great in the park!
Play with a child
If you don't have any children in your family, then offer to baby-sit or volunteer at a daycare center. Playing with kids has it's own special magic – especially if they're not yours!
Continue sleeping after your alarm rings
Not many things beat this.
Write a letter
Yes, a real old-fashioned letter with ink, paper, and envelope – and a stamp! Exhilarating!
Climb a mountain
Or your nearest piece of high ground if there isn't a mountain handy.
How many of the awesome things to do on our list have you actually done?
Do you have a favorite thing to do that you would like to share with our readers – that is printable!
You can tell us by making use of the comments feed below.